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Freshman School Supplies

About Supplies….

Freshman parents often ask what school supplies are needed. Please find a list below for students in the core-subject areas.

English – folder, post it notes (2x2 or 3x3), and a highlighter

Math – folder, notebook or a binder with loose leaf paper as well as a calculator - the math department recommends a TI-30XIIS or similar model. If the student plans to eventually take Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus or AP Stats, a TI 83 or TI 84 is useful to provide access to a graphing calculator outside of class time. Some families choose to purchase the graphing calculator now while others wait until the more advanced coursework. NOTE - the more expensive graphing calculator is not needed for Algebra, Geometry, or Algebra II.

Science – A 1/2-inch binder with loose leaf paper.

Social Studies – folder, notebook, or a binder with loose leaf paper.

PE – The school does not issue uniforms for PE. Students will need to bring shorts, t-shirt and gym shoes from home.

Principles of Leadership – A 1-inch binder.

Students should also have an assortment of pens, pencils and dry-erase markers (2-3 - these are often used for individual white board learning activities). Some students have found it useful to purchase two 3-subject notebooks and use one notebook for morning classes and the other notebook for afternoon classes.


Last Updated: 6/3/24