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Check In/Out of School


Checking in and out of school for any reason must be through the main office.   Students must have parent or guardian permission to leave school.  This would be by either a note or phone call.  When a note is brought to the office, a pass will be given with the time the student needs to leave.   If a phone call is received, students are responsible to pick up a pass in the office prior to class starting.  The office will NOT send a pass for an appointment that the child already knows about.  Being responsible and taking care of their own schedule makes for less disruptions in class.  If for some reason your child does not know about the appointment, the office will contact the class if necessary.   Trying to keep classroom disruptions to a minimal helps make the learning process more successful.  

Checking in to school is very simple.  Students should always check into the office when they arrive.   If the student is excused by either a note or phone call, an excused pass will be given.  If the student arrives with no note or phone call, an unverified pass will be given for admittance to class.  This absence, of course, can still be excused by a parent at a later time.  

Proper Procedure:  Check In and Out of school through the MAIN OFFICE!